Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Season of Giving Thanks

Fall is finally here, and although the temperature hasn't dropped below the 80s here in southern Alabama, I'm already feeling the best of the season.  To me, Fall is about cozy sweaters, spending time with family and friends, giving thanks, and buying ALL the pumpkin spice everything that I can find.  Call me basic, but who doesn't love pumpkin spice?  Now that it's officially pumpkin spice season, I have an excuse to make all the pumpkin-flavored treats I crave.  Let's see... pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin pancakes... I could fill this whole post, but that wouldn't be too interesting...mouth watering, but I'd probably lose a few readers.

Anyways, I digress... a lot.  Back to my favorite things about Fall.  At the top of my list is spending time with my family and friends, and taking time to give thanks to those whom I love and who take care of me.

And speaking of thanks, I have much to give this season, beginning with thanking everyone who has supported my new business endeavor with Chloe + Isabel jewelry.  Last week, I kick-started my new part-time career as a jewelry merchandiser, and I am so thankful for the ongoing support I've received from friends and family.  Especially to those who have been my first customers, THANK YOU SO MUCH for giving me the confidence and optimism to believe that I can be successful in this new venture.  If it weren't for you all, I wouldn't be nearly as positive and excited as I am for my future with Chloe + Isabel.

I absolutely love my job so far.  I'm learning how to be an entrepreneur and a humble hostess, while entertaining my favorite hobbies of fashion, food (there has to be yummy treats at the jewelry "Pop-Up Parties!"), and crafting for my jewelry displays.  Again, I couldn't be more thankful to the friends and family who have shown their support, and I should mention my number one supporter, Harrison.  From the moment I brought up the idea of becoming a merchandiser, to every time I made a new sale or contact after that, he was there cheering me on and supporting me.  Although this is a part-time job that will hold me over until I am able to apply for teaching positions in Fort Hood, I am so thankful that Harrison is my support and number one fan in every project I tackle.  Thanks honey!!!

I am working hard in these first few days and weeks to spread the word about my business as best as I can.  The help I've been receiving from friends and family members via word of mouth and social media has been a huge help!!!  I've been able to make new contacts (who are quickly becoming new friends) through the referrals my friends are making!  Thank you all so much!  If you'd like to help, please share my online boutique website ( with anyone you think would be interested in beautiful, high-quality, statement jewelry that comes with a lifetime guarantee.  I would appreciate the support very much!!!  Also, if you have any questions about the jewelry or how to order, please don't hesitate to contact me via my blog, Facebook, or my business email (!

Stay humble.  Work hard.  Be kind.

These words are my motto moving forward as I continue to build up my business with Chloe + Isabel, enjoy this lovely Fall season with my friends, family, and sweet husband, and also prepare for our second move in the Army in the coming months.  I'm very thankful to God and to my family and friends for the new opportunities that have opened up to me and encouragement I've received at the beginning of this season.  I hope everyone is enjoying the start of Fall, and will continue to bask in the joy of pumpkin spice lattes and crisp Fall days.  Thanks for reading!